Gini on stage is...

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a Voice of Love, Trust & the Future

Gini is not just a speaker—she is a catalyst for transformation. Known for her ability to ignite hearts, inspire minds, & spark global change, Virginia brings her unique magic to every stage she steps onto. From intimate retreats to global conferences like A-Fest, VidCon, BBC, WEF, & more, Virginia’s voice has reached millions worldwide, leaving audiences moved, empowered, & ready to take action.

Why Book Gini?

The best companies know when they're in good company

A taste of Gini speaking & facilitating

Becoming Planet Positive

In ‘Becoming Carbon Negative & Planet Positive,’ Virginia Salas Kastilio shares practical solutions to reverse climate change through regeneration and innovative tools like NFTrees & impact NFTs. This session inspires bold action, empowering individuals & organizations to become carbon positive while regenerating the planet.

Trust & Quantum Leaping

Mini docu on Virginia facilitating at UPGame’s in Ibiza—a planetary collective dedicated to creating a better future—Virginia Salas Kastilio facilitated the transformative ‘Angel Whispers’ activation. This powerful experience fostered trust, connection, & belonging, accelerating group harmony & igniting the collective mission to regenerate Earth.

Book Gini

Gini's Mission is to positively impact every being on Earth with her voice & stories of love & inspiration.
Help Gini on her mission by booking her to speak to your family office, company or community.
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Virginia Salas Kastilio © 2020